About Us
Masizwane Lodge is the culmination of a dream of the local Tembe community, private investors, and the Royal Tembe Development Foundation (RTDF), to create a natural paradise for visitors to this unique reserve.
Who we are
Masizwane Lodge derives is name from the Thonga word "Masizwane", meaning “to assist one another”.
Value and Strategic Plan
Conserve, enhance and expand biodiversity;
Prioritize responsible and sustainable tourism in all construction and operation procedures;
Minimize environmental and visual impact;
Focus on a quality, varied and complimentary service offering and guest experience;
Create jobs, train and develop the skills of all employees;
Provide direct financial benefits to conservation;
Provide empowerment and socio-economic upliftment to the local community;
Build environmental and cultural awareness and respect amongst all people;
Develop the multiplier effect of this tourism business on other services and industries;
Develop and grow a profitable business for the shareholders;
Support conservation and research initiatives;
Enjoy the journey.